I hope your bond with God is stronger and you have discovered him deeper than you can ever imagine. I pray so, that would be your greatest achievement. I hope you have started your charity work and have started helping the society and touching lives, I know you won't forget this, you have already started in your own little way. I hope you still remain the peacemaker in your current home and ensure that you carry along your first home in love and truth. I hope you have stopped making assumptions.
It would be nice to see some of my present friends being part of your current life, I wonder who would make it through, I really wonder in excitement! Wait, I hope you built a cinema in your house, because your love for motion pictures is unflagging. I hope you have bought a Mercedes Benz and BMW, you always turned your head in admiration whenever any of them drove by.
I hope you have travelled to a lot of places round the world, you should, you deserve it. I hope many adventures have happened all the way, you have always dreamt of it.
I hope you still feel quite young inside, I know you would, you never age, hahaha!
I can't wait to meet you, till then I will keep aspiring to be you.