"I just can't stand it, i cant!"... "Never, God forbid bad thing!"
There are some standards that we have set for ourselves as individuals that we just abide by. Anything contrary to them are absolutely disregarded and resented. For some certain people, quite a number of things puts them off and for others little or nothing counts. It may be an attitude, a habit, a substance, a scent, a gesture, a word, even a color! It could be anything..
I randomly talked to few people about their 'pet peeve" and I got some interesting answers. "I absolutely do not like my skin touching other people's own in a bus" "I do not like harsh perfumes" "I despise the scent of cheap perfumes" "Dishonest people irritates me" "Bread and butter is terrible" "I don't like biased people" "Rude and forward people are a no no!" "I hate it when people trample on others when they have money" " I can't stand lemon green or drink any green substance" " A doubtful person is a deal breaker" " I can't stand eating vegetable soup at night!" "Perfumes make me cough" "Backbiting and cheating is just a terrible thing for me to deal with" " I can't stand people sharing my cup" " Strangers should never act too familiar else they would never be familiar" "I hate mosquitoes with a passion, what's their usefulness to humanity anyway" "Making an irritating slutty noise when chewing gum arrggghh" " I can't stand it when people make me wait for them or come late for an appointment with me" "Smoking cigarette where non-smokers are! I think it's disgustingly selfish" " I despise stingy people fullstop" '"Coughing and leaving your mouth wide open for the germs to kill us all, hian" "People that dive right into your food without asking for your consent" "Joining me to eat when invited!" Nigerians can relate to this one! "Making noise while eating,either with the plate or while chewing" "I haven't seen the thing that would irritate me in this life" "Really?" I asked, "Never".
What is your huge turn off? Let your comments roll in!