And the best day of your life would be? "Oh it would be the day i'm engaged!", "When i make my first million!","The day i become a mum!"... I asked people randomly and got these responses but this one stuck "Today is the best day of my life" said Funmi, a girl in my neighbourhood " Because thinking of today as the best day of my life creates a situation where it may not be the best, but it ends up being pretty good"
When we get lost in waiting for the perfect time, right place, right person, right circumstance, we forget to live for today and take chances now for a better tomorrow. We hope for something that isn't here yet and live so cautiously that we might as well not have lived at all; building perfect times in the future for our best days.
So laugh until it hurts, fall in love, do something you have never done before, take risks that may take you to greater heights and if it doesn't, oh well you will learn something, catch up with an old friend, be ingenious, start a new hobby, learn to accept yourself and re-evaluate your personality to embrace change, break free from that toxic person or habit, make someone proud, help someone change their life, be happy and full of gratitude.
Each new day is a new life and an experience you have never had
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